God Morgen!
Jeg fikk i posten for en stund siden den nye kollektionen til Kaisercraft - Art of Life.
Den er bare så lekker og er helt i min stil!
Jeg liker spesielt når produsenter lager nye serier som er mørke og
maskuline i fargene, det er ikke alltid det lyse og søte passer.
Good morning!
A while ago I got the new collection from Kaisercraft - Art of Life in the mail.
It is so awesome and totally my style!
I like it when the producers makes new collection that have
a darker and more masculine look to the colors and style!
Not always the cute & soft stuff that fits.
Jeg liker spesielt når produsenter lager nye serier som er mørke og
maskuline i fargene, det er ikke alltid det lyse og søte passer.
Good morning!
A while ago I got the new collection from Kaisercraft - Art of Life in the mail.
It is so awesome and totally my style!
I like it when the producers makes new collection that have
a darker and more masculine look to the colors and style!
Not always the cute & soft stuff that fits.
På forsiden av kortet brukte jeg Art of Life - Paper Moments som bakgrunn.
Kortbasen er Swiss Dotts Pewter og Mud Puddle.
On the front of the card I used Art of Life - Paper Moments as background.
Cardbase is Swiss Dotts Pewter and Mud Puddle.
On the front of the card I used Art of Life - Paper Moments as background.
Cardbase is Swiss Dotts Pewter and Mud Puddle.
Blomstene var et klart valg, her brukte jeg roser, cherry blossoms og
hip rosebuds i bruntoner fra Iamroses.
The flowers were a given, Iamroses all the way!
I used roses, cherry blossoms and hip rosebuds in browns.
The flowers were a given, Iamroses all the way!
I used roses, cherry blossoms and hip rosebuds in browns.
Den store filmstripen er fra Art of Life Colletabeles og er stemplet med
et sitat fra Hello My Name Is (Teresa Collins).
Den lille tagen og den smale filmstripen er også fra Art Of Life Colletabeles.
The large film are from Art of Life Colletabeles and the stamp I have used
are from Teresa Collins - Hello My Name Is stamp set.
The smal tag and film are also from the Colletabeles.
The large film are from Art of Life Colletabeles and the stamp I have used
are from Teresa Collins - Hello My Name Is stamp set.
The smal tag and film are also from the Colletabeles.
Blingen som jeg har rundt omkring på kortet er fra Nille og
er opprinnelig en bladbling som jeg klipte opp.
The bling I have used are from Nille and are originally a leafbling that I cut in several pieces.
The bling I have used are from Nille and are originally a leafbling that I cut in several pieces.
Inne i kortet har jeg brukt Art of Life - Paper Creative som bakgrunn.
Begge sitatene er fra Art of Life Colletabeles.
Inside the card i used Art of Life - Paper Creative as background.
Both quotes are from Art of Life Colletabeles.
Håper dere likte det dere så!
Legg gjerne igjen et ord eller to, så kommer jeg innom bloggen din og :)
Hope you enjoyed the post!
Drop a word or two and I will come by your blog too :)
Hope you enjoyed the post!
Drop a word or two and I will come by your blog too :)

SvarSlettKlem fra Kaia