God Morgen!
Håper alle har hatt en fin Valentine og Morsdag!
Det er tid for en ny utfordring hos Card & Scrap
og denne gangen er temaet
Jeg har kost meg glugg ihjel med Graphic45 Mon Amour collectionen!
Bare elsker den serien!
Alt er perfekt, fargene og sammensetningen mellom
det romatiske og det mørke er helt nydelig!
Good Morning!
I hope everyone have had a wonderful Valentinesday
and for all the Moms here in Norway an happy Mothers day!
It is time for a new challange over at Card & Scrap
and this time the theme is
I have fallen in love with the Mon Amour collection from Graphic45!
I just LOVE it!
Everything is perfect, from the colors to the way they have merged the romantic with the dark!
Graphic 45 - 6x6 Pattern & Solid
- Hearts Desire
- True Love
-One and Only
Bazzill - Raven & Sorbet
Graphic 45 - 6x6 Pattern & Solid
- Hearts Desire

-One and Only
Bazzill - Raven & Sorbet
Graphic 45 - Mon Amour Tags & Pockets Sheet
Graphic 45 - Mon Amour Chipboard
Iamroses - Roses, daisy & hip rosebuds
Elegant Embellisment - Metal rose, Corner & filigram
Wedding Specialist - Doilys
Alot Design - Key
Best greeting Shop - Flocked heart
Nille - Ribbon
Graphic 45 - Mon Amour Tags & Pockets Sheet
Graphic 45 - Mon Amour Chipboard
Iamroses - Roses, daisy & hip rosebuds
Elegant Embellisment - Metal rose, Corner & filigram
Wedding Specialist - Doilys
Alot Design - Key
Best greeting Shop - Flocked heart
Nille - Ribbon
Tim Holtz - Black Soot
Tim Holtz - Black Soot

For en lekker eske du har laget :)